A vrai dire je n'ai connu cette chançon que via le film "Pretty Woman" joué par Julia Roberts bien sûr, comme beaucoup de monde d'ailleurs, dabord j'ai cru que c'est une chançon conçue spécialement pour le film, puis je découvre Pretty Women l'original chanté par Roy Orbison, bon pour les fan de la chançon voici le lien du video ainsi que les paroles:
Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet,
Pretty woman, I don't believe you it must be true,
No one could look as good as you
Pretty woman won't you pardon me,
Pretty woman I couldn't help but see,
Pretty woman, Oh you look lovely as you could be,
Are you lonely just lik me
Pretty woman stop a while,
Pretty woman talk a while,
Pretty woman give your smile to me
Pretty woman yeah yeah yeah,
Pretty woman look my way,
Pretty woman say you'll stay with me,
Cause I need you, need you tonight
Pretty woman dont walk on by,
Pretty woman dont make me cry,
Pretty woman dont walk away, yeah, ok
If that's the way it must be, ok
I guess I'll go home, it's late, maybe tomorrow night...
But wait.. what do i see..
She's walking back to me
Pretty woman.